Friday, March 28, 2014

Social Media and Growing Businesses

Online Users Are Using Social Media Now More Than Ever

Why is this important to growing businesses? 

For starters, social media helps get the word out about your business and helps enhance your credibility. What's even more significant is that social media helps build a concrete relationship with the business and its target audience. In order to form and sustain a concrete relationship with your target audience, your business must give the audience a reason to care about the content you post. Your audience will respond better if you talk with them, not at them.

More than 73 percent of small business owners are using social media sites. How are they using these platforms? For the most part, their goals are to expand brand awareness, establish trust, increase website traffic, give their business a unique identity and to communicate and interact with their audience.
Social media can enhance a business in a way that other marketing strategies can't.

Other media platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest also give businesses a chance to reach new audiences. With hundreds of millions of eyes glued to a computer or mobile screen, why not utilize social media marketing? In a digital world, small business owners should consider focusing their marketing dollars to inbound marketing rather than outbound marketing.

Basic Tips for Social Media Success

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